Bush told the truth: The weapons existed What do you all think of this? It is the opinion section of whatever this website is, where it belongs, but it seems to make a good point.
Not that I know what I'm talking about, which is why I hope someone smarter than me will have something to say.
Also, can you say
deja vu?
Thanks to everyone who contributed. I see now that asking questions is a waste of time, because I already know all The Answers: "We're hosed; you can tell when a politician is lying because his/her lips are moving; history will be, once again, written by the victors; no one can agree on whether the sun will come up tomorrow morning, and if it will, then contention moves to discuss from which direction it will arise. Trying to understand all of this is a waste of my time and energy."
I thought that perhaps trying to get some dialogue going would learn me something new, and I grateful for the new details and positions that I was unaware of before, but it really all goes back to The Answers.
It will come to War, and lots of people will die, because no one knows how to do what needs to be done, or if they do they're unwilling for various politcal or financial reasons. So, we're hosed.
If anyone wishes to add anything else, I will certainly read it, but my commenting on this topic is done.
On days like today, I suppose that the most important work our government can do is to limit nukes throughout the world as much as possible, so that the planet can recover more quickly after we annihilate ourselves.
It is good that I believe in God, because elsewise I would work actively for that great day.