Thank you for all the birthday wishes! Ryou and I had a wonderful time in Tokyo. All that karaoke singing has made my throat somewhat sore, but it is nothing tea can't fix. I was also especially amused upon seeing aniki's reaction to the New Moon premiere - I had no idea he could turn that shade of red, though I suppose he was more irritated than
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And no, I haven't seen them yet, but I'll make sure to drop by soon then
Be sure to tell me when you do?
Why, having secrets from me, otouto? ;>
I just want to know when so I can get the curtains ready. You have to take it all in at once.
You're making me more and more curious here.
If it means you're coming soon, I'm not sorry.
Yeah, you may be after you hear what I just got told actually, are you free now?
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