a trip to the mall!

Dec 19, 2010 15:52

To kick off winter break, my sister and I went to the mall. :,D We went to Yogurtland and I had chocolate-mint-cookie flavor, mint, and new york cheesecake, all in one bowl, topped with more cheesecake and, of course: GUMMI BEARS. ♥ ♥ ♥
And--we went to Hot Topic. Look at what I found there~

*squee* I wanted to get it really badly, but it was rather expensive. ;A; L-like, $3.

And right under that was this! The top shoelace is "I ♥ BEING AWESOME" and right below is is chicks. What a coincidence...! Not that I'm complaining~

I didn't look at the price tags for those, wah. But but but! If I got the pin, I think I'd cosplay as Alfred with it. I already have an American flag tshirt, so all I'd really need is the wig~ Maybe after Christmas, I'll be able to get it. holiday sales, right?~~

OH, and this is what I wore to the mall.

Not very fancy, but it's what I could pull together in around 5 minutes. XD; overall, today = awesome.

fashion, shopping, break

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