COSPLAY PoT Hyoutei,Rokkaku,Rikkai Photoshoot~~+ Meme

Jan 14, 2008 14:21

2008 PoT Bunga Tennis Indoor Photoshoot RIKKAI CENTRIC with story of kabaji~ Dorkiness all the time~ Rikkai Coach appear!!

How Hard we manage to be in Character with our role.......TTOTT (Kisame and Ryou as out of Niou character)

我らの役として精一杯頑張ります (幸村Xダビデ)

The OOCness of the cosplayer....

Bunta (arsen): Hey Niou!! Could you give me tissue over there?
Yukimura (kisame) and Amane (ryou): Huh?! Where??.... (in unison)
Bunta (arsen): .........
Niou (zu le): .......hmp!hahahahah
All: ..........AHAHAHAHAHA
Yukimura and Amane: ..............shut up *pout

Kisarazu (kaichama): Oi Yagyuu~ (to yuki)
Kirihara (akira) and Bunta (arsen): Yes??
All: .....Again?!
Kirihara and Bunta: .......

Bunta (arsen): give me a hand to hold this paper Oshitari...
Kurobane (shin_e): eh??
(Oshitari) Ravi: ...............



Duo Demons in the Sheep Cloth (Saeki Kojirou and Yukimura Seiichi)

Yukimura: Na~ Kabaji-kun won't you get transfer to our Rikkaidai? I will treat you well there more than Atobe .....Ne~ Ka~Ba~Ji~~Nfufufufu.....
Kabaji: OAO;;;;;; ~~~~~~~
Saeki: Ahahahahaha~~Don't scaring him too much Yukimura-kun....Well~we~l Ka-Ba-Ji-Kun~......Why don't you come to my house to help me worked out than to go to Rikkaidai or something...Of course you can be still in Hyoutei......with that "maybe" we can know well each other....well?
Kabaji: TT_TT;;;;
Yukimura: Sae-kun!! That's Cheating!!!!!
Kabaji TT*TT:.....atobe-san help me~~........


Bunta: Tck!! Just only one step again Kabaji-kun will be ours........Why Atobe must come in the right time while Yukimura and Saeki argue
Oshitari: Aww~~ What a shame~ I want Atobe be mine though....... ^^;;

Atobe: OII !! I Hear THAT!!!
Kabaji: =A=;;
Bunta & Oshitari: *Pretend to look around

Genius Omake ( how fearfull Yukimura~ Is )

Sanada: Seichi.....Why you interupt our match (Sana-Ato Match)??
Yukimurai: At this rate you'll lose to him (Atobe), Sanada.....You still owe me one lose with the Seigaku......Rikkai Never lose, Sanada.....

Yukimura: You are the most person that knew what "ARE" the consequences to be lose in Rikkai.......Don't make me do "that" AGAIN to you, Sanada....
Sanada: ................
Yukimura: Where's your answer, Sanada?! *glare
Sanada: I.......I.....un..under....stand.....Sei...ichi......... (Help meh' Renji~~ *while Renji still in the hospital because "that")

Genius Omake 2 ( how fearfull Yukimura~ Is!!! )

Yukimura: Minna!! Ugoki ga waruisugi yo!! Sanada....
Sanada: Um!! Just like Yukimura said....--
Yukimurai: No, Sanada.....You too !!
Sanada: .................................
After that with all of his life Sanada manage to win upon Tezuka....Nope....He MUST!!!!! win against Tezuka...

YUKISANA CORNER~ ( thanks for all of your hard work,Sanada......even you lose *stab Sanada with wakizashi...... *friendship??)


Warming Up




RIKKAI COACH!!!!ロナルドマックド○ルド先生

got this from yuu-chan


01. Name:
02. Birthday:
03. Place of residence:
04. What makes you happy:
05. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
06. Do you read my lj:
07. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
08. An interesting fact about you:
09. Are you in love or do you have a crush at the moment:
10. Favourite place to be:
11. Favourite lyrics:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Weirdest food you like:
14. Do farts make you laugh:


01. A film:
02. A book:
03. A band, a song and an album:


01. One thing you like about me:
02. Two things you like about yourself:
03. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you.

You can see some in HERE and RAVIENT MULTIPLY Also in MULTIPLY SITE


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