皆さんにお礼のFanarts, マサ B-day Gift準備中, 地震

Aug 11, 2007 19:34



Thanks for all of your support and comment at my pic here :D to say a gratitude for you all I want to give you another pic of fanarts (Tenipuri again and again....Rikkai member ^^;a ). Drawing is the only thing I can do to show my gratitude to you all swiftly in here XD I hope you like it, especially my new friends here :3 that some of them also an artist 
Dooddle of Yanagi Renji "Akaya Red Signal" and Niou Masaharu "could say PIYO for me?" . I hope you'll like it :) Enjoy ~~


Could you say "piyo~" for me? ;3 (Niou before he transform into Yagyuu XP) *Wild ne (even is'nt so sexy like Sanada's sweating figure XD)

Q: What really made Renji worried so much before Tournament?  
A: "Akaya Red Signal" (*no red mark to be able to participate any tournament)
Renji: Can Akaya participate the tournament with this marks?......*Sigh, or....should I expell him from my calculation data for tournament member?? or.....must I lied to sensei that it's caused because his Blood shoot eyes fault??........ *sweat

今月はテニミューチャストのケント君とマサのお誕生日なんです、ケント君は今年18歳になりました『おめでとうケント君!!』…って、そしてマサも今年22歳になるスよ8月の23日です、もうそろそろですね。だから今私が彼に何かあげようかな~っと考えながら急にideaが頭から出てきた(汗笑) 『ヨシPirateのThemeにしようか~』 そして皆さんに願い事がありますがそれは皆さんからマサに一言の誕生日のメッセージを作られませんか??詩でも大丈夫です、彼に曲の資料になったかもね(笑)彼のBAS008はあんなに人気があったから XP だから皆さん私を手伝ってくれませんか?皆さんのメッセージがちゃんと彼に送ってきますから(プレッセンとと一緒…) インドネシアの方じゃなくても大丈夫ですよ。プレッセンとは8月19日に送ります。

This August there are two of Tenimyu Rikkai cast B-day, Ono Kento (Yanagi) and Nakagauchi Masataka (Niou)
Kento-kun B-day was already held as Suprised party by the other Rikkaimyu member XD but you still can said "Happy B-day" to him at his Blog, and for Masa one.... 23 August, me and 
larva_zaxalready have a plan to give him something like what has we done for Summer prep gift before. the B-day present theme is "Pirate", as we know he love Pirates of Caribean series and Jhonny Deep so much (JHONNY~~~ *Squeal) . Beside the gift we also want to give him some short messege for his B-day and I want to collect to be one (not only the messege but also a poem, and you can tell him your opinion about him good or bad it is) Either you were his fan or not :)

If you want to join us, you can fill the form below and send it to my mail or reply it to me. we will send the present at 19 August.....so If you want to join us please send the messege before 18 August. Or, if you want to send it by yourself, you can send it to here

カオス.パフオーマーズオフィス 中河内雅貴会式フアンクラブ系

東京都渋谷区代官山町20-23 代官山東急アパートメント402
PostCode 150-0034 Tel 080-3278-4220

If you want to send him a messege or poem for his B-day with us, here’s the form....

Messege form or poem for Masa (Nakagauchi Masataka "Niou Cast" )

You can wrote the form here or you can send it to me at avatar_tnr_varna2@yahoo.co.jp

Best Regrads

kisame_widi and 




real me, rikkai, yanagi, art, tenipuri, niou, plan, masa

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