Pissed!! I hate scanner for copic color!!

Jul 19, 2007 18:05

waaaaaagghhhhh~~~ what's wrong with all of scanner for copic color matter?!?! why the color didn't showed right at all X( but thanks to my sister

arsenfreya that teach me to edit it in photoshop even the colors are still different from the real one (sorry sis but the real thing it's really yours)

I draw some Yukimura Seichi art with copic......for the first, I well really satisfied with the line art but when it comes to color matter my brain become crazy and mixed the color vigorously ^^; because I know my weakness for coloring are Copic coloring and Acrilic.........but I try my best to finish this XD

why I draw Yukimura?? eh~~ that's because for now I've known his pain feeling and all of his despair because you cannot do the important things like always and make you become didn't like your ownself (lose your own identity).......ok Seichi I know your feeling *bear hug to Seichi

and this pic is dedicated for my sis arsenfreya that love Yukimura the Bucho from Rikkai so much

"Welcome Back to the Court Yukimura Buchou"

Sample from digicam

Line Art (You can color it if you want)

Just the Scan T^T

Edited in photoshop (bright and contrast)

From Digi cam

Ok guys that's all for now, and I want to say MANY THANKS to all of my friends that always support me for my knee operation and the rehabilitation (I will do my BEST for all) Love you God Bless You All *BEAR HUG TO ALL


Character: Yukimura Seichi "Prince of Tennis"
Disclaimer: Konomi Takeshi
Status: Trade art with Sanada Art with 

tenipuri, rikkai, yukimura, art

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