They Say The Empty Can Rattles the Most...

Nov 01, 2008 23:10


I love how all these new whelps don't even know anything about the type of music they're listening to, and subsequently try to belittle others who do know.

For example.

On a community I was browsing not a moment ago, one type of music that was used to describe Dir en grey's sound was "industrial". Some punkass 20 year old comments: "Industrial? Lies!" And then went on to spew a bunch of vomit that made no sense to me- an old school rivet head who's been listening to Skinny Puppy since 1985- about what makes an industrial band thus and why Dir en grey cannot possibly be one.

Uh...what?! Dir en grey are absolutely industrial! When's the last time that fucker listened to "Dozing Green", or "Embryo", or "The IIID Empire?" Shit, Al Jourgensen would be proud of those songs!

And for y'all who don't know who Al Jourgensen is...well, you should look him up. Without him, the current rock music scene would be VERY different. Without him we would very likely have no Trent Reznor, nor Marylin Manson. And like it or hate it, the fact remains that these two have had probably THE biggest international impact on visual rock music worldwide (because guess what, kiddos, Japan isn't the only country with a thriving visual rock scene these days. Look at Germany and Denmark and the upper midwestern United States).

Anyway, I digress.

And further I digress.

I have a question for all of you out there: who has heard of the writer Regina Tudor, or her forthcoming book "Amongst the Beautiful Gods"? Please comment if you read this, and let me know whether or not you know anything about her or the book. I'm...curious.

industrial music, amongst the beautiful gods, regina tudor

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