Aug 23, 2009 15:20
for two things...
1) I just finished my Bacardi Limon Rum (which I hated and refused to allow myself to have anything to do with the duty free shoppette or my lovely bottle of Kissui), and 2) I just realized I only have 131 days and a "wake up" left for this tour...
*le sigh* Either that or I can't do math, which is most probable since I'm slightly buzzed and the keys are a bit fuzzy right now and I already came up with a Rosette Christopher math response.
Cute guy tugged on my ponytail the other day... *snickers* and from what a buddy of mine who used to live in Philly said "it means they want to sleep with ya... " *HA!* BB is such a cutie too, (and OMG he cleans up well - I almost didn't recognize him without the facial hair!!!), he told me that he or R^2 would have come running if I'd just told them about the stalker dude and they would have set him straight in a "you don't have to worry about him any more" kind of way - tho methinks the parentals wouldn't approve of him - nice tattoos tho *laughs*
Yeah, I must be happily buzzing since I'm expounding the virtues of MEN. Not that I hate guys.... certain parts of their anatomy are rather nice... it's just sometimes the mental blockage that gets me. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok, time to read more of Artemis... and I semi-regret not bringing the Taming series with me, but the other part of me is going "phew... considering you'd have to BAIL at any point in time, it's probably a GOOD thing that you didn't bring it...."
Wow... it's amazing what rum does... I should open that bottle of Kissui (btw, Rob, if you ever find this lj, THANKYOUUUUU for being my wonderful shipping service for getting my booze! You are a cutie too, and if you ever run for prez, you've got my vote! *lol* )
I should try doing that para-para to L&J right now and see how far I get before passing out. HA!