Jan 13, 2006 14:37
life, some thing every one has but only a few make use of. now as far as i can see there are three ways to look at life. First off the death embraceing way, along with the gift of life comes the promise of death. with this view some admitt to the idea that it is pointless to try and be alive. and as such go on with there lifes avoiding the pleasures that it has to offer and and as such live life incompleatly, as shells.
the second was to view life is as some thing holy, some thing that no one has the right to take from any one, and there in lays the inhearint flaw of this theory, if no one has the right to take a life then that would mean that butchering animals for your food would be consitered to be a sin. even the vegans fall prey to this flaw, carrots, potatos, and other root foods require the murder of that plants life to harvested. even nuts, peas, and other seed based foods require the destruction of life in the same way an abortion destroys the life of a fetus. there for to follow this idealoigy is to starve to death whitch would be a sin because of the fact that you refuse your own right to live.
the final veiw of life is that every one has the right to life but that this right is capable of being taken away, if in any way you try to take away some one elses life with such acts of rape and murder then you give up the right to live.this also follows the idea that only humans as being the only sentient based simply on the fact that we hold verble communication skills and can discuss thought with one another in a manner that we can under stand. this idea is fortified by religious ideas that god placed animals and plants on earth along with man kind, but only endowed man with a soul. this idea most likly came about because so far only man kind as produced any thing like civilization and as such must be in some way better then plants an animals, thus we must have souls,whitch ultimitly translates into the fact that we are self-conscious.
but then for this entry to really be clear and understand able i must define life, not just once but twice times because of the diffrent definements of life i used. for the shells, life in the sence that it is lived to its fullist is not really life but how much exitment to cram into life wheather it be simply staying home all the time doing nothing, or having a life of action and adventure. the definition used for the second and third statement would be any thing capable of reproduceing.