Jul 22, 2009 22:02
When did that happen??
Richard and I have been going out and doing stuff on the weekends. Even if that means trips to Mendocino or whatever. The cardboard tube tournament was fun. (Yes Kel I took pictures!)
I've been going out with friends. There was my uncles concert I went to with Kelly and Don, then I went out for drink and a movie with Amber, and next Monday we're going to go see Spinnerette!
We've had many food dates with people. Or at least in theory. A few have been rescheduled.
I have a movie date with Ben sometime soonish, and after class ends I plan to drive to evil Sacramento and see Kel.
I'm actually kinda sad class is ending next week. It's been fun and I'll miss a lot of the people; including the teacher.
Richard and I joined the gym this week! We were going to go today but Richard didn't have any suitable pants so we had a trip to Target instead. So tomorrow the gym! I'm excited, I miss being in shape damnit. Although yes round is a shape.
We currently have Toby while my mom is in Hawaii putting an offer on a house. Hopefully it will go well for her and she can enjoy a few days of vacation. Toby is handling this stay much better then the last. So far no panic attacks.
I got an awesome typewriter! It's a Smith-Corona, Cougar model. It's from the 60's, is aqua colored with white and a few red keys. Fits our bedroom amazingly well. ^_^
My hair is bright pink again. I was trying for a lighter shade but didn't quiet get it this time. I'm not leaking pink on everything though which is amazing. New color is called cupcake pink. <3
Oki time to go clean the house some more...