May 24, 2009 23:51
When did I get old?? It's not even my birthday yet.
Richard and I went to fanime today.
We couldn't wake up early (before noon) cause we didn't get enough sleep.
Didn't get down there till about 2pm.
Spent about 2 hours walking around shopping and checking out artist ally.
Then we were tiiirrreeedddddddd.
Like I had to go sit down for a bit.
I felt so old.
We used to spend 4 days running around that place with only oddly timed naps to keep us going. It really wasn't that long ago.
We watched some anime, went and got some food, then watched a little more anime.
During a lull of nothing great we decided to head home at about 9:10pm. We didn't even make it to hentai night which is always the best/funniest part of fanime.
We decided that from now on we'll probably be perfectly content going down for just a day. At least it'll save us a lot of money on food and a hotel room.