For yaoi-fans!
^-----------what is Micky doing there???? (Xiah, Micky, Jaejoong, Changmin, Uknow) aka..gosh why do they have stage names ::takes a breath::
(Junsu, YooChun, Hero, Max, Yunho)
^------cute kiddies lovingly holding hands in public and probably (seeing as to how it's Yoosu) saying some racy stuff.
^-------haarharharhar, yes that's right Xiah(junsu), someone caught you taping your lover Micky(yoochun).
<----Real!!! It's awesome~~~~*
^---cuteness! I love JaeMin. (Jaejoong with ChangMin)
^----JaeMin again! Gosh Jaejoong can't stop touching Changminnie can't he???? Too bad these are the only two gifs I have of them.
^----Xiah in bondage and mmmmmmmChangmin in bondage~~~~* Let's zoom up on Changmin
^--------yes that's right. ^o^ And he was so cute and helpless in this scene too!!! gaaaah!
^---of course we need the classic Tae7en. Ahhh, I lost the pic where Se7en goes really LOW and DANGEROUS
^----from the same performance. Gosh darn it, there really is much MORE to the perf...gah, I was dumb and didn't save caps. ^o^
^----ah, this was just cute, so I'll put it up too
^----Wow! JungMin is acting straight??? hahaha j/k j/k. He's my favorite from SS501. He's hella hot in this pic EVEN though it's a girl on top of him.
I'll post more later!! I promise!!!