Dec 01, 2009 23:05
Hey loves...yeah, I've been on, I haven't posted...or commented...or really much of anything...but I've been around! ^_^;;
I've just been super busy with school and just having fun. I have lots of stories to tell and some pictures to post but since I'm trying to make the most of the last couple weeks I'm in Japan before I have to go home for break I probably won't have any adequate posts until I'm back in America.
BUT! Just a quick update on my fangirlish tendencies that have grown/changed recently~
- Totally in love with Big Bang! Like uber LOVE LOVE! Daesung is my favorite member and I just want to squish him allll day long. I need to get Big Bang icons~
- I sorta got into MBLAQ. I've been watching Art of Seduction (need to rewatch with subs now) and they're such lovable dorks. Joon and Mir ♥
- SHINee-wise they are still my #1 loves. Although for some reason my favorite member is leaning towards Minho now rather than Onew...they've been my two favorites for a long time now but now it's a battle in my heart! Yes, cheesy...but so true! XD;
- YAY new w-inds.! Getting back into them will totally kill me...but they were my first true Jpop love. But I've lost all their's going to be a biiiiiiiiiiiiitch to get it all back but they are worth it!
I think that's all for now. I've got to get ready cause I'm going to Harajuku today to visit a friend's internship at Design Festa! Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow or something to do a real update!
big bang,
shinee makes my world go round,