Gift Fic for
kis_my_fic2 Title: ~Tied
Pairings/Characters: Fujigaya/Senga, Nikaido/Senga
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Senga had always thought that Nikaido was the other person at the end of his red thread of destiny...
Notes: The red thread of destiny is a Japanese legend, which states that the gods tie a red thread around the little finger of
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I have no words. I'm just switching between *__*♥ and ;____; faces all the time.
So bittersweet! ;; I was already a bit afraid when I realized it's going to be a kind of a triangle-drama. Thank you for ending it happily. Like, Nika not being left sad alone in the end, and actually being the one who helped Senga and Taipi together.
Their hot moment, though, was... well. Hot. 8D
I'm still feeling kind of sad for the two of them but, it's okay since I've been having a lot of nisen feelings lately, and this fic was actually a good change for once! Aaaaand I'm so happy of this fic. The world needs more Senga/Taipi fics~
Taipi's voice. *___* I could imagine it so well, and I could actually feel something of what Senga felt when listening to Taipi sing. You described it so well. ;; And ahahahahahaha FUMI KITAYAMA TOTTSU I loved those guys there in the middle! XDDDD ♥
The pictures dividing the text were an interesting idea, and you should have seen my face when I saw the one picture where the red threads weren't tangled anymore. On that moment the pictures got a meaning, and they weren't just... paragraph-dividing decorations anymore. I guess that was exactly your point? :3
It's been a while since I've read a fic that awoke so much emotion in me while I was reading - so good job! (^.~)v
And in the end: SO MANY FEELINGS ashjdhgscfzgsfa ;; ♥♥♥ *______________*
I had so many anxieties about balancing the NiSen with the FujiSen in this because, like... no other pairing would have worked as well as NiSen to begin with :/ but it was also really hard to break them up romantically but still have them be bffs, idk XD I'm glad it seemed to go over okay?!?! XDDD
I wish I had seen your face when you saw the broken divider :P take a picture!
And again, ♥!!
Haha well it WAS a bit difficult to adjust my brain with the fact that yes, this is going to end up with nisen NOT being a couple... XD But not in a bad way. And I totally loved it after all. ;;
(I wonder why, usually when I read school AU fics I always imagine the building looks like what the Japanese schools usually look like. But this time even if I tried and tried, I couldn't help about seeing my own old high school in my mind. XD; Oh well...)
My face on that moment: "...... (o_______o) --> (; o ;)"
♥! Thank youuuu~ ;; ♥! I didn't guess AT ALL that it was you who wrote this! :'3
(Btw random; did YOU know that it was me writing for Rin? Since I asked about her favorite au fandoms by email and failed with it and aaaaa embarrassing! XD;;;; )
(I didn't really put much effort into trying to guess the authors XD especially not before the fics got posted, but you were definitely on top of my list after the fic got posted based on style and the FumiGaya and so on :P)
I tried to guess which fic Jenni wrote. :'3 Didn't guess but the right one was one of the fics that I thought they might be written by her~
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