Mar 02, 2007 21:05
This weekend, Sunday to be more exact, our Irish Dance school is having our annual Hoolie, or fund-raising party, essentially. It's at the Clarion Riverside from 2-6 or 7 (I forget) and we will be dancing at 3 and 5. There is a $5 admission fee. Food is available - Corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, etc etc. Max cost is also 5 bucks for food. Last year (at a different place, so I can't make guarantees) the food was GREAT and you got a heck of a lot of corned beef, cabbage and veggies for that 5 bucks.
Also Hubby and I plan to be in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Rochester. Starts at 12:30. Hope to see some of you there!