Dec 18, 2007 21:25
So it really looks like Kitty's out. She's the number one candidate. For a lot of reasons. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*
What's the point? Except to give Colossus more to angst about? I strongly dislike Colossus, btw. He's nothing but an angst machine, and a *cliche* angst machine. He's only interesting when he's... on the other side.
Potentially, though, this might mean the absent Kitty (who will be resurrected somehow, of course) could get involved with the Limbo plotline that is currently on hiatus, and with Illyana. That's predictable, and it makes me happy - Kitty should be involved in Illyana plots.
This is all still pure speculation. I could be wrong about Kitty kicking the bucket; there are still a few things working against it. Also, I think the Astonishing solicits just say "one X-man will not be coming bacK" so, if it is Kitty, it doesn't mean she dies, and it works with my theory that she'll show up again when the Illyana plot is restarted. Either way, I'm not worried for my girl - she's too popular to disappear for long. I will be sad if I'm right and she does disappear even for a little while, though. There's no other Marvel woman I really enjoy reading. I guess I do enjoy reading Storm though, and she's supposed to come more into the spotlight in X-books again. But still... Me gusta Kitty. ;)
Solicits for March: BORING. I think it must be Obscene Surplus of Wolverine month or something. The solicit for Uncanny sounds interesting, however, passive... What exactly gets Scott and Emma trippin'? And even though Angel seems to fit the "hippie" scene lately (still LOLing at World War Hulk), why does he just run off to San Fransisco (I think it was)? I am interested! I am even MORE interested in the return of the Liberators... though as lint in the Marvel forums pointed out, hopefully it won't be the same Liberators that totally jipped 'Crawler last time. But at least it's the ol' X-boys together again! I can't imagine why Piotr would need to go back to Russia though. (I'm assuming it's his doing because... well, he's Russian. :P And that's what the point of Liberators was... and the Colossus mini... and various other X-plots in Russia...) Still not hot about a plot that's most likely Colossus-centric. (What's cool about him? Someone explain that to me.) But it holds promise. And the cover is awrsum. I still think Nighty's pin-striped suit is too reminiscent of movieverse Crawler's (lack of) fashion sense.
The only downside is that it's still written by Brubaker... Most passive comic book writer ever. Ok, that's unfair. The only time I've read his writing is on Uncanny X-men. I'm sure he was fabulous on Cap and DD, since everyone says so. But with X-men, his writing is so PASSIVE. Take Rise and Fall. Reading the tpb in one fell swoop, it was really pretty good. But as individual issues? That you wait month after month for? Well, one or two passive issues wouldn't bother me. But nine in a row? The starting issue was promising. The last two issues were promising. Everything in between? Haha, frigging BACKSTORY. And then the cycle began again. Bru will have to work... HARD... to impress me at this point. Again he has what sounds like the beginning of an interesting plot... maybe this time he won't screw it up.
... I have this weird feeling like I came here to mention something specific... but I can't remember it for the life of me.