His bed was his prison.

Jun 13, 2008 03:14

And when I used to go to visit, I could feel it.
Most if not all times, when I went near his bed, it felt as though a needle went into my foot.
I did start to think there was something underneath his bed, so I tried keeping my feet away from the beds edge.
But it still got to the nearest foot. Eventually I reasoned that it must be in my head. But it really did hurt. It was real pain.
I never told anyone about it. I never will. But least I wont forget about it.

I feel bad that I went off places, when he was stuck in bed. We used to do everything together before then.
I lost him, but he lost me too. I wasn't by his side all the time.

What would he do in my shoes? He wouldnt forget me, like I forget him. Im weaker of mind.

Ive talked about what the councilor once said to me. "grief is a chemical reaction". I wish she never said that. Ignorance can be bliss. If grief is a chemical reaction, then so is love.
I am happy to grieve forever, if I can love him forever. He deserves it.
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