Jan 02, 2006 23:32
Hmm... So... whats been happening u ask... well boy howdy have i got some news for u!
Not really but yeah...
Christmas was slightly better than expected, still not great though... no surprises there..
boxing day however was a pisser!!... dad's family are all crazy... my aunty came over with my uncle and there two kids (my cousins) Wendy and Jon, Wendy brought her boyfriend Nathan and there 5 month out son Haydon, and my brother came over with his girlfriend and 6 month old daughter Tamia... so it was rather interesting with two babies in the house... but yeah was good fun... my uncle said my room looks like a gay boys room lol he's a crack up.
New years was pretty boring. i had to go over to my mum's friend Belinda's house for a party... but i met this lady, Trish and she was the funnyest... she had three daughters n she was crazy... we played badminton, vollyball and monopoly hehe pure craziness...
but yeah hope everyone Had a great christmas and a fantastic new year! and i'll probably see most of u soonish!!
CAMP IN 5 DAYS!!!!! cant wait!!!
peace out (hehe)
-Kirst xxx