Nov 02, 2005 12:01

Hey everyone!

How are we all?

Well I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend like I did cos mine was the best ever.. up until last night but we will get to that…

I spent from Saturday till Tuesday in Phillip Island with Miss Berna and her dad… it was a pisser of a time!

We just did what we wanted it was great! But I have to say I reckon the first morning would have been the funniest bit of the whole trip… Bernii’s dad was getting ready to cook breakfast (bacon and eggs yum!) and this little girl who was about two walked up to him… this is how there little conversation went:

Girl- Hello

Bernii’s Dad- Hi

Girl- I live over there (points across the road)

Bernii’s Dad- I don’t care

(Girl just stands there)

Bernii’s Dad- I couldn’t give a rats

(Girl still stands there)

Bernii’s Dad- I don’t even like you

(Girl runs away)

It was the funniest thing EVER!!!

We went to San Remo Sunday after lunch and caught up with Stevie who was staying in a caravan park there then spent the rest of Sunday shopping which was cool then Sunday night we went and saw the Penguins or as Bernii’s dad likes to call them “Furry Bastards” hahaha which was… interesting… THE FIRST PENGUIN HAS ARIVED!!

But anyways that was Sunday for ya and then Monday…. We went on a ferry to French Island BIG MISTAKE!!!! We got there at about 9.45am and the ferry was picking us back up at 4.30pm… Now before I tell you what happened I just wanna say “Parks Victoria” glorified this place! They said it was a beautiful National Park and that it was a great tourist attraction… WRONG!!! We took our bikes cos that’s what they recommended we do… well they have clearly never been to the “wonderful” French Island because… It was a 3 k uphill ride to get to the closest form of civilization which was “The General Store” now this store was about 3 meters by 3 meters and sold more alcohol then anything else… everything there was either broken, rusty or about 2 brake or possibly all 3 and it was another up hill 10 ks to anything else… so we gave up, had lunch and went to sleep on the grass outside the General Store for 2 hours… then we woke up rode back to the pear and went 2 sleep for another 2 hours till the bout came…

The sunburn I got from sleeping outside the general store has now turned into a 2nd degree burn… and I spent from about 11 last night to 2 this morning at the Angles Hospital in emergency…. My right leg is all blister and disgusting… I have a blister about the size of I duno what but It’s huge… they put this stuff on my legs that acts like a layer of skin and all the shit will seep through it and the skin underneath will be able to grow back then I have to like coat it in oil to get it off…. And all this because bloody Parks Victoria said French Island was worth wasting a day to go see… and we forgot sunscreen… the general store didn’t sell any either stupid bastards!

The Island was kinda funny though… there were no cops on the Island so they could basically do what they want… most of the cars didn’t have number plates because it was such a rough place that they just fell off… and it was really hard to judge the ages of people because they looked like they were about 16 but drove cars and spoke really proper… it was pure craziness! But anyway ‘m gona go and find some pain killers off some form… cyas later…

I wana see u ALL at Boronia this Saturday… 6 till 10 it’s going to be awesome!!

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