(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 21:12

Firsty i will just say sorry for doing ANOTHER one of these things..but really it is all jane and Louise's fault..they keep posting them i keep stealing on round goes that vicious circle!

+ Known as: Kirsty....
+ Lives in:  Erskine
+ Birthday: 23rd of November
+ School: Park Mains
+ Religion: Protestant
+ Shoe size: 6
+ Hair color: Brown
+ Eye color: Brown
+ Style:  umm well i wear wot i like so its MY style lol

+ Fears: rejection war and dying alone that wood b a bastard!


+ Cheated on someone? yeah but no1 important....and not in 3years!! lol i cheated on Eddie Shannon {LMAO!}
+ Been Cheated on? nope dnt think so
+ Fallen off the bed? yeah ma cuzins bunk beds!!
+ Broken someone’s heart? umm duno!
+ Had your heart broken? yesh
+ Had a dream come true? yesh well kinda lol no then!
+ Done something you regret? nope i dnt regret anything theres no point!
+ Cheated on a test? come on I got a 1 for french writing!! obviously!!


+ Wearing? black &purple stripey sox, jeans, green stripey polo shirt with a black tee underneath, sexxi red watch
+ Listening to? Stereophonics - nothing compares to you
+ Located? the downstairs hall =|
+ Chatting with? James=) & McColl
+ Watching? nuffin
+ Should REALLY be doing? DofE report cant b fucked tho!


+ Brush your teeth? yesh im not a jake!!
+ Like anybody? yesh there r a few who are to my standard =P LMAO!! koko like loadz of people!
+ Have any piercings? yesh
+ Drive? nupperz
+ Drink? yesh
+ Smoke? nupperz
+ Got a pager? nupperz

SECTION 5 Friends...

+ Who do you hate? i really dnt think this txt box is big enuff for every1 i hate! ....i shall leave u with that thot
+ Who is the shyest? no1 is really shy =S
+ Who is the most talkative? umm Gail is really chatty....n Suzie P.....n Sarah.....n Jimmy..........n laura M lolz i dunno
+ Who is the cutest? James =) or jimmy he is pritty cute!
+ Who laughs the most? Jeffrey!
+ Who have you known the longest? umm........most of them r primary skool buddies lol!!
+ Who have you known the shortest? umm..........well probz uff i dnt even know!! lol Actually Gillen!! never really spoke 2 him until 6th yr!
+ Who do you miss the most? wot a f00kin stupid question JAMES obv!! 4days =)
+ Personal problems? as in wot friends have personal problems? yeah prolly
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yesh
+ Do you trust your friends? yesh
+ Are you a good friend? I wood like to think so!
+ Can you keep a secret? yesh.........well if its a big secret yesh...but sumtimes i just gotta let it out =P!


+ Hugged? Jeffrey
+ IMed? James =)

+ Talked on the phone with? My Gran - yes, yes i am cool!
+ Yelled at? my dog - he was barking at nothing!! nothing at all!!
+ Fell in love with? Mr O'Donnell =)


+ What do you want to be when you grow up? umm...I dunno really
+ What has been the best day of your life? I dunno if i've had it yet!
+ What comes first in your life? my friends n family
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? I have a JAMES!!
+ What are you most scared of? rejection war.....havnt i answered this already!
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? usually james cuz hes the last person i speak 2 cuz i get a night night txt <3
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? yesh
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? umm never
+ Love your family? yesh
+ Love your friends? yesh yesh they r beast =D


+ Movie: Grease r Napoleon Dynomite!
+ Song: Just Boy - Biffy Clyro
+ Group: GREEN DAY! r FFAF r lolz theres a few!
+ Store: Flip, Cult, Republic, Miss Selfridge r Topshop...lol
+ Relative: OoOoO fave gran - granny reid, fave grampa - grandad neil ,fave uncle - uncle paul, fave aunty - helen, afve cuzin - probz Steven cuz hes got his irish accent going on!!
+ Sport: athletics!
+ Ice Cream Flavor: cookie dough!
+ Fruit: graped
+ Candy: umm....i duno =S
+ Holiday: Christmas =D
+ Day of the Week: dnt really have 1 lol!
+ Time: 9:31 pm
+ Color: purple, blue n green {cuz it suits me}
+ Name for a Girl: dunno
+ Name for a Boy: dunno
+ Quote: "Its better to remain silent and be thought of as stupid, than open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


+ Like to give hugs? yesh, i've bn told im quite good at it actually =P
+ Like to give kisses? yesh but just to special ppl u get 2 earn them ya know!
+ Like to walk in the rain? i like walking by myself in the rain..cuz no1 else is every out n u got like everywhere to ur self...that sounds wierd but uch well!!
+ Prefer black or blue pens? a pen is a pen!
+ Like to travel? yesh
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? umm wel i chop n change!
+ Think you're attractive? nahhh
+ Have a goldfish? sadly not =(
+ Ever have the falling dream? f00k i hate that dream!!
+ Have stuffed animals? yeah =( they all got thrown in the loft cuz i was gettin my room painted well gutted!!


+ Abortion: umm i dunno, i dnt think pl should get preggerz if they dnt want the kid!! dnt b a dick, cover ur stick =P
+ Smoking: Cnt C the attraction myself but dnt like the idea of passive smoking!
+ Eating Disorders: no thats crazy shite!!
+ Suicide: obv its soooooooooooooo selfish but the person couldnt think of any other way to b happy so i dunno
+ Summer: Its beast...getting a wee tan!! lol 7weeks is a bit much tho...but hey 4months nxt yr!!!
+ Tattoos: i like them dnt have the guts to get one tho!
+ Piercings: yeah they r kool!


+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Single or taken? taken =) 
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? dawsons Creek - cuz ive never cn the other 1
+ Sugar or salt? Sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver - gold is kinda tacky!
+ Chocolate or flowers? umm depends =P
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? colour is kool but balck n white is rather stylish tooo!!
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&M's just normal ones tho!
+ Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late
+ Hot or cold? cold
+ Sun or moon? Moon
+ Left or Right? left
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? i duno lol =S id rather have 10 best friends!!
+ Mustard or ketchup? KETCHUP!!!! lol LOVE IT!!!
+ Spring or Fall? Autumn
+ Happy or sad? Happy=D
+ Wonder or amazement? Amazement
+ McDonald's or Burger King? McDonald's
+ Mexican or Italian food? Italian
+ Lights on or off? Off
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? coke
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