May 31, 2005 13:02
Only 17 days! Only 17 days! *skipping and singing*
Shut up. It's my journal and I can be as dorky as I want!
I'm obviously fixated on the up-coming holidays. LM Montgomery is more than partly to blame; lately I've been re-reading all my old LMM books. Just finished the "Anne" series and am about to hit the "Emily" ones, but cannot for the life of me find my beloved copy of "The Story Girl." Maybe it dissolved. Heh.
Another wierd thing is that I STILL bawled over the ending of A of GG. I remember crying for what seemed like days when I read it for the first time at about age 8-9. How could LMM kill off Matthew?! I LOVED Matthew! He was so sweet and shy and loving and . . . I'm determined to read the Anne books to our daughter this summer in an attempt to get her into them, but I'll probably cry AGAIN which will scar her for life because she knows her mother hardly ever cries and if her mother cries over this book then either 1. her mother is crazy or 2. her mother is crazy. Sigh.
The insomnia is at an all-time high and is a mixed blessing: I'm too burned out to write and barely able to teach, but my gosh can I READ! Honestly, the need for sleep is such a nuisance sometimes.
On Friday we had six giggling little girls over for our daughter's birthday party (okay, not so little anymore. But she's STILL my baby!) and our sons took refuge in their bedroom for most of it. We ate ourselves into a sugar-coma and everyone in the family except our daughter was hitting the Tylenol by 9 pm. And yesterday my boys and I saw "Revenge of the Sith" for the second time. My husband told us we were lucky to get him to it once! If only I were better with techie-stuff I would be the most awesome nerd!