Mar 27, 2005 23:00
Well, just as I suspected: I'm ashamed for being so "moody" yesterday. I'm usually a very cheerful, bouncy (my husband calls it "hyper") person who sees the bright side of things.
Easter was nice. We all went to church and then the kids proceeded to eat themselves into sugar-shock. We figured it was better to let them have it all in one go and then hopefully that would be it. The Easter Bunny didn't overdo the candy this year, heehee, so things could have been worse; however, our daughter was annoyed that the Bunny got her the wrong colour of Nerds for her basket. (It's all my husband's fault--I TOLD him to get the purple/pink Nerds. But no, he came home all excited with the yellow/green ones.)
Anyway, the day was fun and everyone except me (as usual) is fast asleep. We still have another day before school starts (for them and me); even we teachers get tomorrow off. Hurrah!