New Year

Jan 03, 2013 16:16

Wow it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Hopefully this year will be a healthier one for me. I want to say and a less crazy schedule but I can see my schedule for the next 3 months already, so no change there hehe.
It's been an interesting new year already. I had some friends come down and visit from another part of the country and we went to a pretty cool cafe themed after Alice in wonderland

The tables we sat at .. 

The food was really tasty though I felt kind of mean destroying it. Especially a beautiful salad with cut tomato to look like a rose. It was so pretty and tasty even my super fussy eating companions actually cleaned their plates.

We exchanged Christmas gifts, which was a bit more like who can give the meanest gift. Since the day started with us trading pictures of billboards with boybands we don't like it pretty much continued the trend. The other people in the place must have thought we we crazy from the mix of happy 'oooo thankyou's' and 'argh I hate you so much' as we opened our presents.
Since my friend will be leaving Japan soon I made these for the 3 of us. I'm not very happy with them as I think the little dolls look a little demonic but they are from a drama I really like and the characters are really similar to us so it seemed a nice way for us to say goodbye.

Fingers crossed the new year.
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