(no subject)

Jul 01, 2012 19:47

We had the chance to go to Arashi's Waku Waku Gakou today.

It was fantastic and even remembered to wear green for a change instead of turning up in blue or purple and confusing people, I also wore my shiny new 24 hour TV wristbands.

My friend however refused to wear the colours for her favourite because she said yellow makes her look ill …. she is not wrong.

We didn't have to get there early because we turned up to buy goods on a previous day. Though the line was still super small.

I won't go into the lessons as there are more than enough reports lurking around. I will say however we were really lucky to go on Nino's birthday and that surprise umeboshi cake is probably not a nice surprise.

When we came out the dome and the trees were lit up beautifully

and we headed out for a relaxing dinner (to wait out the mass train exodus). Though none of us actually remembered to take a photo of our feast till it had pretty much been demolished sadly.

Hope to do it again soon.

waku waku, arashi

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