This image pretty much sums up my life right now. No, wait:
There we go. No! I forgot a few:
Booze, astrology and rain. My dog, my brother, and Cyrus. Cyrus is a friend from Alaska that was living with Kyle and I briefly but just got his own place in Snohomish. For Halloween we went to a crazy rockabilly party in Ballard where some
friends from high school were playing and another
friend from high school was performing burlesque. I was supposed to be an alien, Cyrus was a mad scientist and my brother was a redneck? I think. The party was loud and crowded and awesome. I was very uncomfortable in my corset and high heels (I made my entire outfit, the corset was a little lopsided but I was proud regardless). I almost made out with some cute guy on the back porch until he told me he was 20. I don't know why but it was a huge turn off. On Halloween itself we bought $50 worth of liquor and read horror stories out loud and then got wasted and smashed pumpkins and I was so sick the next day. Everything is good right now. I'm genuinely happy. It's a strange feeling, especially for this time of year. I know that the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio right now, which would explain the random joy but that conjunction happens every year... I don't know, but I'm not complaining. It's raining so hard right now, all the surrouding towns are flooded and normally it would be depressing but it's really beautiful. Everything smells like life. I didn't have to go into work today because of the rain so I am staying home to paint my living room and build a bookshelf. My little dog is laying in my lap sleeping and the cat is just a few feet away, also sleeping, and the rain is pounding on the rooftop and right now I am just happy to be breathing.