Okay. This is crazysauce. I should not be committing to this, but here I am. I want to do another table from
100_prompts . This time 30 prompts, but I'm going to do five hundred word drabbles. Wah. This should take me a while. The pairing will be Sam/Leah. (I secretly love them together!) I'm calling it Glass after another Ingrid Michaelson song. Oh Ingrid!
Evidence002.I'm here003.Funeral004.Puppy love005.Gloves006.Blackboard007.Muse008.Magic009.Clean010.Secret011.Superstition012.Fantasy013.Test014.Tease015.Storm016.Strawberries017.Weapon018.Beach019.Lost020.Cry021.Aloof022.Blood023.Tower Block024.Taxi025.Search026.
Writer's Choice027.Writer's Choice028.Writer's Choice029.Writer's Choice030.Writer's Choice