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Mar 24, 2005 00:42

OMG!!!!! im so HAPPY ! I made this new layout for my journal! all by myself!! and i love it!<33

omg and i did  Julias journal too! is so cute! well any ways i guess i need to up date so here goes..lol

Friday: I updated a bit so i will fill in what happend! Me and Julia went to the b/a!..lol it was kinda dull at first, but l8ter some ppl came and we talked to them for a lil while! The Tyler took us home..lol i think that was the best part! Haha it was so funny!=P It was Tyler, Justin, Tanner and Julia and I..lol shewy...when we got home like a few mins later Ryan call for julia..gurr...lol (he cant take a hint) after that i asked mom if we could sleep in the tent and she said no and ofcorse i got pissed..lol like always! then i think we went to bed!

Saturday: we got up at i dunno what time...lol and i dont really remember much about that morning but i know we talked to brittany messer on the phone for awhile and i ate a lot of chees!..lol and i called my dad at about 4 and asked him to take us to the b/a and we got ready and left at 6 shew we were up there 4ever and it was so dull! but then britt, travis, marty and jt came up there and it was a lil better!..lol then we left like at 10 something and went and got something to eat then we came to my house to get my stuff and i called Daniel* cause he had called! then we went to here house! and we ate then i called Daniel*back...lol and i talked to him for a few=))! then we well i was actin goofy..lol and Julia was on the computer so i went to bed with out her...lol

Sunday: I went home about 1 something and cleaned my room! then I took a shower, b/c i smelled..lol Then Daniel* came over about 6!=)))) and he left about 9 something=(.... then i just went to bed!

Monday: School!..ugh and dont really remember!..lol

Tuesday: School again! gurr i hate it so bad! well after that i came home and talked to julia for a few then Daniel* called=) and i talke to him for like 10 mins! and i dont really remember..lol but i know i couldnt sleep!

Today: Last day of school! oh yeah spring break! I guess today wasnt that bad but i had a test in math..ugh!I came home and got on the computer for ever..lol and Vic called then Julia called then Julia called again!..lol then Danile* called=) and i talked to him for a few but he had to go b/c he was sleepy!aww* then i called Julia back and I fixed her journal=) and i showed my mom and then i showed her mine and she said it was plan so i fixed mine too! im so proud of it!! but i think im gonna go to sleep...i think im goin to Julias tomorrow!..lol

Oh yeah take a look at her jorunal julia_8
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