(no subject)

Mar 08, 2005 01:08

I just got off the phone with Daniel!*and  I couldnt sleep do i just got up and done this to try and pass time i wanna stay up to see if it snows but i dont think it will its just raining..uhg! Today was like my first day back to school in like ever...i've been so sick..(and its was not my falt=P*) I didnt go to school friday so my mom came and got me and julia and we went to wal*mart...boy did we look hot..uh not!haha and we came home and got ready for me to go to the Dr uhg...thats about all i remember!ON saturday i went to the b/a with Julia and a BUNCH of other ppl! OMG we had a blast!...it was so flippin fun! Brittany was there and shew me and her are so dumb..lol i love ya Britt!*OH SHEWY im sleepy..lol i dont think im gonna stay up not...cause i know its not gonna snow and i will have to get  up and go to that dump they call a school!..ugh=/

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