Nov 09, 2005 18:59
* section 1- have you ever *
+ Cheated on someone?: no.
+ Been Cheated on?: nah.
+ Fallen off the bed?: hahaha yeah.
+ Broken someones heart? hope not.
+ Had your heart broken?: yes.
+ Had a dream come true?: yeah.
+ Done something you regret?: a couple things.
+ Cheated on a test?: haha all the time. =X
* section 2 - currently *
+ Currently wearing?: my faaaavoritest sweat pants and a tee.
+ Located?: liiiiiving room.
+ Chatting with?: chloe nicole =)
+ Watching?: cartoon network.. HECK YES.
+ Should REALLY be doing: cleaning. but who cares 8)
* section 3 - do you *
+ Brush your teeth?: of course
+ Have any piercings?: my ears.
+ Drive?: i can, not legally till Jan 18th though
+ Drink?: uuuh.
+ Smoke?: nope.
* section 4 - the last person you... *
+ Hugged?: probably chloe, cause she gives me hugs all the time.
+ IMed?: chloe and nick.
+ Talked on the phone to?: kyle woods.
+ Yelled at?: brooke.
* section 5 - personal *
+ What do you want to be when you finish college?: pediatrition. nurse. vet. something of that sort.
+ What has been the best day of your life?: i'm not gonna say.
+ What comes first in your life?: my little sisters.
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: crush.
+ What are you most scared of?: not being able to be happy. dying. losing someone close.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: everything.
+ Love your family?: i love them with everything i have.
* section 6 - favorite *
+ Movie: prolly save the last dance. or something. idk.
+ Song: sooo many to pick from. i have a lot that i really like.
+ Band: lifehouse.
+ Store: hollister. american eagle. abercrombie. wet seal.
+ Relative: Kylie && Adam, by far.
+ Sport To Watch: hockey.
+ To play: SOCCER, volleyball. sometimes golf.
+ Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough, duh.
+ Fruit: cherries.
+ Day of the week: friiiiiday && saturday.
+ Color: red. orange. blue.
* section 7 - do you *
+ Like to give hugs?: m hmm.
+ Like to walk in the rain?: i like to play in the rain.
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: black pens.
+ Like to travel?: why not.
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: stomach is most comfy.
+ Have a goldfish?: no.
+ Ever have the falling dream?: eeee, yes.
+ Have stuffed animals?: m hmm.
*section 8 - this or that *
+ Pierced nose or tongue?: neither.
+ MTV or BET?: MTV.
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th heaven.
+ Sugar or salt?: sugar.
+ Silver or gold?: silver.
+ Chocolate or flowers?: flowers.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: probably color, but i still really like black and white pics.
+ M&Ms or Skittles?: m&ms.
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: stay up late, then sleep in.
+ Hot or cold?: cold.
+ Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup.
+ Spring or Fall?: spring.
+ Happy or sad?: happy.
+ Wonder or amazement?: amazement.
+ Mexican or Italian: mexican.
+ Candy or Soda?: candy.