Oct 10, 2005 20:14
:x: Name: kirsten.
:x: Tattoos: no thanks.
:x: Piercing: ears.
:x: Height: 5'4/5'5.
:x: Shoe size: 8.5
:x: Hair colour: blonde.
:x: Siblings: brooke, 18. makenna, 6. taryn, 3.
:x: Movie you watched: pleasantville.
:x: Song you listened to: i don't even know.
:x: T.V. show you've watched that you enjoyed: next.
:x: Thing you bought: lunch.
:x: You have a crush on someone: you gotta love those crushes.
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else: yeah, i hate this hell hole.
:x: You think about suicide: i'm not gonna lie, i've thought of it before.
:x: You believe in online dating: nah.
:x: Others find you attractive: i'll leave that up for them to decide.
:x: You like cleaning: hate it a lot. i'm probably the laziest person ever.
:x: You write cursive or print: print. cursive when i'm rushing.
For or Against:
:x: Long distance relationships: against.
:x: Suicide: against.
:x: Killing people: hmm, i'd have to say against. even though i'd love to kill someone right now.
:x: Teenage smoking: definitely against.
:x: Drinking: for, who cares.
:x: Soap operas: for.
:x: Sex: either way you answer, you're gonna look stupid. who cares.
Have You:
:x: Ever cried over a girl: i'm sure, like my best friend or something.
:x: Ever cried over a boy: all the time.
:x: Ever lied: to my parents a lot.
:x: Ever been arrested: never.
:x: Of times I have been in love?: =\
:x: Of hearts I have broken?: not too sure.
:x: Of people I could trust with my life: never trust anyone.
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: a few.
:x: Of scars on my body?: probably a lot because i was a crazy little kid.
:x: Of things in my past that I regret?: theres a few things.
Do you think you are:
:x: Funny: i try.
:x: Loveable: can be.
:x: Caring: sometimes.
:x: Dorky: probably all the time.
Person who last:
:x: Slept in your bed: myself.
:x: Saw you cry: probably my little sisters.
:x: Made you cry: lets not go there.
:x: Yelled at you: dad, he's crazy.
Have you ever:
:x: Said "I love you": yes, i have.
:x: Kept a secret from everyone: yeah.
:x: Cried during a movie: ooh gesh, yes.
:x: What time is it now?: 8:30
:x: Spring or Autumn?: spring.
:x: Last noise you heard?: my sisters being loud and running around the house.
:x: Last smell you sniffed?: spaghetti.
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: no.
Other Info:
:x: Criminal record?: no.
:x: Do you speak any other languages?: french II student. doesn't mean i speak it well, but i can speak it.
:x: Last book you read: fahrenheit 451, stupid books we read for school.
:x: Who you love: my family.
:x: Initials: klh.
:x: How old do you act?: varies.
:x: Pets?: two doggies tisha and jake, and one cat thumper.
:x: I Wish: a lot of things.
Have You Ever:
:x: Thought you were going to die: no.
:x: Wanted to Run away: many of times.
:x: Flunked a grade: never.
:x: Skipped a grade: nope.
:x: Moved: yes, once.
:x: Attempted to commit suicide: who knows.
:x: Thought about it: yes.
:x: Gotten drunk: yes.
:x: Been in jail: no.
:x: Been in love: it's hard to say.
:x: Been in lust: yeah.
:x: Smoked: once.
:x: Drank: yes.
:x: Been suspended: no.
:x: Stolen Anything: yes, sorry.
:x: Cheated On A Test: yes.
:x: Been In The Hospital: well not really in the hospital, i don't know if being to the emergency room a few times counts?
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes.
:x: Fell asleep in the bath: no.
:x: Gone to Church: yes.
:x: Been on a hike: sure.
:x: Been to camp: yeah.
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving: never.
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week: no.
:x: Broken something valuable: yes.
:x: Been in a earthquake: no.
:x: Been in a tornado: not really, thank God cause i'm terrified of them.
:x: Knew you were in love: hhhh.
:x: Streaked in the streets: no.
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah.
:x: Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: yes.
:x: What religion are you?: Cathiloc.