(no subject)

Apr 23, 2007 08:51

Well, after the unashamed fangirliness of Saturday (how gorgeous is he?), Sunday was back to earth.

We went to a BBQ at friend's in Southampton, and had a good time - Iwan (hereafter known as Les - for reasons best known to himself) and Susan, Dom and Andrea. A grown up evening! Forgot those existed! I have been a recluse for so long, what with one thing and another, it is taking me a bit to get on with my life and do the other stuff.

Haven't been on FFXI since Tuesday last week - but I now have a rebuilt computer. New processor etc (a much more meaty one), so going to try fiddling with the registry to get sharp shiny graphics. You know what - I have missed it, but not as much as I thought. A couple of those days were voluntary absenses. Almost good to get some perspective back.

Tonight - watching Dr Who (am now impatient to see the last 2 eps with John Simm), and helping Mike sort his music out for his Woolhampton concert - I officially bowed out yesterday - it bores the arse off me to be honest. Tonight I might also try to figure out how to sort out Livejournal so I can introduce the banner wiccagal_1996 made for me! David, if you are online, I might hound you.

fandom, real life

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