Friday afternoons blow chunks....

Feb 02, 2007 15:03

One hour to go, and I am bored stiff.

Going to a winter wedding tomorrow - and I hate getting outfits for those. Still, found a lovely pale grey/green moleskin skirt, full length (cause I prefer full length skirts!), and a cream lacy top to go with it. I also have a scarf that will go nicely. Only going for the wedding itself and the breakfast, as there is a 5 hour gap between the breakfast and the evening reception - the groom is a friend of Mike's, who I have only met once, so another reason for leaving early.

Maint again tonight, so I guess my evening in FF will be staring at the screen in Aery. The shell are lovely though - one of the senior members kept asking me how I was doing, was I ok, if I need to go to bed just go last night. Actually having fun again in FF, even though I haven't done much for me this week. Last night was camp Bloodsucker, camp Bune then off to Faf - but lots of laughs on the way!

final fantasy, real life

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