Writing ramblings

Jan 17, 2010 23:37

For the record, I blame verdant_gt entirely for this.

So, I've been working on my apocabigbang fic, and I'm happy to say that I'm at 8,000 words of the minimum 10,000, which was my aim for the end of this weekend. But it got me thinking about things, like how much I've enjoyed writing a long, involved piece. I'm sitting there and I'm thinking 'oooo, I could add so and so in, it would put an interesting twist in'. I've been dropping some of my rp characters, and am now at possibly my lowest number for a year, and I'm happy with it. If anything, it's given me more impetus to write.

Lucas, and Spooks will always be the main fandom I write for these days, but I do want to get back into writing more. Do challenges, stretch myself. Like, I've signed my Lucas muse up for 18Coda, which looks fascinating, and I have ideas for a lot of the fics (basically an AU verse where they actually, you know, deal with the aftermath of Sugarhorse), just need time to write them all. As you can see, I've been busy this weekend =)

So, what does this mean? Well, after the chaos of moving is over, I'm going to be writing more. Each month, I'm keeping track of just what I write prompt wise etc (I'm also going to be posting about what I've read in a month, for my own records), and try to increase my daily word count of writing. Maybe even then, I'll try and work on some original fic I've been mulling about for a while - though fandom is nice and secure.

Still, gonna start small. 500 words a day on my apocafic. That should do it for now!

random rambling, fic

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