List of fanfic

Dec 31, 2012 09:02

Hopefully (if I get this right!) - my fanfic in one place.


Sam faces the reality of betraying Gene Hunt

Lazy Sundays
Fluff fic, Sam/Gene

Old Harry's Game, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Bunny response fic, dealing with the aftermath of 2.02

Back From the Brink
Ray has to face what happened after the car bomb went of in 2.03

A Moment in Time, version 1, Version 2
What happens to the other choice when you make a decision? Gene!angst

Demonstrations and Remonstrations
Challenge crack!fic. Pure dialogue, Sam/Gene

Wailers and Dreamers
Life on Mars ficathon 2007 entry. Nelson-centric story

Waking Dreams
Sam's dreams take a strange turn.

A chance encounter

Every Rose has its Thorn
Set between Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes

Welcome to 1973
Drabble. What happened during the accident.

Life Stands Still
Remix of This Still Life, by flecalicious for 1973flashfic's Remix challenge. Death!fic warning.


The World According to Carlos Ramirez
Carlos looks back on the turning points in his life

The Ties that Bind Us
Carlos reflects on the meaning of family.

Unconditional Love
Carlos struggles with the aftermath of New Mexico, till someone reminds him of the important things in life.

Strange Days
The strangest things happen to a thirteen year old Carlos.

Time for Reflection
Carlos has one regret when it's all over.

7_crossovers prompt tables

Lucas North

life on mars, fic, dresdenfic, fanfic50, the dresden files

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