Supernatural; Wincest: "I'd Rather Waste My Time With You"

Dec 01, 2009 10:11

Title: I'd Rather Waste My Time With You
Author: Kitana, kitanachan
Warnings: G, Sam/Dean though it's more Sam n' Dean. Bits of schmoopiness. Set during Season 3. Sam just wants to stop, take a breather, and enjoy his brother for the time they have left. Written as a spn_j2_xmas gift fic for stellamira. ~1600 words.
Notes: I don't necessarily care for using real places© in my ( Read more... )

genre: fluff, fandom: supernatural, pairing: wincest

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Comments 15

dugindeep December 1 2009, 16:59:43 UTC
Aww. This was a cute moment for the boys and I think you got a lot of the interaction down between them.


kitanabychoice December 4 2009, 02:53:47 UTC
Thank you! :D I'm glad this worked for you.


aldehyde December 2 2009, 19:51:49 UTC
awh i really liked this fic! loved sam's idea and how it actually worked out. definitely a good memory for them to look back on.


kitanabychoice December 4 2009, 02:54:30 UTC
hee, thank you! ^^ I was happy stellamira asked for something happy~ the boys are always so sad. D:


blcwriter December 4 2009, 16:32:07 UTC
A much needed interlude for our boys.


kitanabychoice December 5 2009, 02:04:20 UTC
^^ I'm glad you think so. Thank you for reading!


gunznammo2 December 4 2009, 16:44:12 UTC
I loved this little window of a brief respite in Sam and Dean's terrifying day-to-day life.

Loved these especially: '..Dean’s hair is nearly standing on end and Sam has a tremor in his leg that won’t go away.' AND '... spins them around so fast, Sam thinks his shoes would've gone flying if he didn't have them laced up tight.'

So cute and added a perfect note to take the brothers away from the horror that awaits them - even if it's for just a little while. Thank you for posting this, hon. :) Oh, boys......


kitanabychoice December 5 2009, 02:09:33 UTC
Thank you for reading! :D I'm glad this worked for you. There needs to be more happy!Winchesters in general, I think.


mistyzeo December 4 2009, 17:04:20 UTC
Awww! Boys. So wonderful. Grudgingly good to each other.


kitanabychoice December 5 2009, 02:10:03 UTC
Heheh. :3 I'm glad you liked this! Thank you for reading~


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