Jul 31, 2008 17:55
This is a placeholder entry for the dating advice thread.
I still have a profile on OKcupid (it says that I am seeing someone), and will occasionally get mail from it. Usually it is someone saying that the picture of me with Wierd Al is awesome. However, sometimes I get one of these (the bit in quotes is from my profile about what I am looking for):
"You are smart, single, reasonably good-looking, have a good sense of humor, don't smoke, and aren't a douchebag."
Oh well, one out of 6 isn't bad :-p
So presuming this dude is single he is ugly, stupid, not funny, a smoker, and a douchebag. Granted it could be some other combination. And as I have an awesome boyfriend I am not interested in any case. But way to make yourself sound interesting to others! I wonder if he thinks of himself as a "Nice Guy".