Title: Sunset
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Reita x Kai
Synopsis: He could only watch from afar, and never have.
Whenever Reita looks at Kai, he feels as though he’s standing at seashore at sunset. The evening is when tides rise the highest and retreat the most. Kai, to Reita, was the sun at the far end of the horizon. Kai was the red semi-circle, marred by an indistinguishable line separating him from the sea, and setting him a great distance from the shore. The tides at sunset were unrelenting. They thrive forward and pull back with zest repeatedly. Sea foam teased Reita’s feet and he doesn’t inch ahead, nor does he step back, for that was the closest Reita could get to the sun.
Whenever Kai laughs, Reita feels another bit of him breaking inside. Kai’s laugh was the current which encouraged the waters to rush onto the shore, and run backwards into the sea. It was the puppet master behind Reita’s heart. Uncontrollable and unrelenting, he pulled and tugged at his heartstrings with such ease and power Kai would never know he possessed. And Reita on the receiving end of it, died a little more every single time.
Whenever Kai speaks, Reita feels as though his ears had taken a blow. His hearing senses scrambled to concentrate, remember, and register it all at the same time Reita ended up hearing everything. Kai’s voice was the sound of waves crashing onto the shore, crisp, loud and unclear to Reita’s ears. As much as Reita couldn’t make anything out of it, he still loved every decibel of it.
After every day of watching sunsets, Reita finally tucked his hands into his pockets and turned on his heel as he headed for the car. The sea foam hadn’t tickled his toes yet and the sky wasn’t dark enough for the waves to rise to its full volume and create music on the shores. As Reita tore his eyes away from the deep orange sun, he said to himself, “Tomorrow Kai will be nothing more than a friend to me.” But as he begun to walk, a large conch shell jabbed the sole of his shoes. Reita knelt down and picked it up. Hesitating a little, he carefully placed it next to the shell of his ear.
The waves sang to him through the hollow of the shell, and for a split second, Reita wondered if that was a sign that he should hold out for one more day. However, that thought immediately dispersed when he recalled a different voice; the real source of the waves.
“Hey Rei, did you know? The sound you hear in seashells isn’t the waves. It’s the echo of your heart beating. Silly isn’t it?”
A/N: Had to get something out of my system. Not really sure of this at all. And go me! Song prompt by
theklewerz 'Confession to a friend' by 2AM. Though I must admit, I didn't listen to the full song and worked on the title only ^^; Also, a little long for a drabble but what the heck, it's less than 500 words and that's good enough for me.