Title: Metaphors Chapter: one-shot Author: kiroyo Genre: Humour, Crack Warnings: None. Disclaimer: I own this page of lies. Rating: G Pairing: Ruki x ?, Aoi x Uruha, Reita x Kai Synopsis: Ruki's new lyrics.
The cheesiest line was Kai's "You're the rhythm to my beat." and the most epic was Uruha's "You're the cock to my anus!" Seriously. Uruha. Win. *rolling on the floor laughing*
Comments 22
and the most epic was Uruha's "You're the cock to my anus!"
Seriously. Uruha. Win. *rolling on the floor laughing*
This was epicly random and cracky I love them!
The funniest thing was I wrote this when I woke up for a short while at 6.30am then went back to sleep. I was barely conscious!
That unconsciousness just give this fanfiction much needed epicness :D and silliness.
Freaking win.
Ruki groaned and slammed the door. Loud retreating footsteps followed after, leaving 3 amused band mates behind.
Aoi smirked. Oh this was so not over yet.
BEST LINES XD I mean, no, I can't even pick the best ones because everything is awesome.
I GIGGLED SO DAMN MUCH. I love you for that!
"That's like saying... I'm the eyebrows to your face."
Best. Analogy. EVER. xD
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