Title: Murderous IntentChapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Character death
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: PG15
Pairing: Kai x Reita, Reita x OC
Synopsis: You'll pay for my pain.
A loud crash resounded, alerting me of the fact that the plate in my grasp barely seconds ago was now scattered all over the floor. There was a slight buzz in my ear and the perimeter of my sight was turning blur. Objects all over the room were meshing together, creating a strange mix of colours like those on an artist’s used palette.
I heard my name. The colours stopped swirling and my vision focused back to the person who called me; Reita.
The moment his face came into view, my recollection from minutes ago scurried back into place.
“How long?” It could have been my voice but it sounded like it came from the walls in our kitchen.
“3 years.” Came his calm reply.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” My voice might have been acting on its own accord, but I’m still sane enough to know that walls don’t speak.
“Because I knew that this is how you’d react.”
At that, I snapped.
‘I’ll make sure that whore gives birth to a bastard.' Was the immediate thought that came to mind. I must have spoken it aloud though, as his expression had changed, and he had taken two steps back.
My vision and hearing reverted back to normal and something clicked softly in my brain. As I stood still, I began to slowly process my next move.
Reita was worried now. He kept throwing furtive glances to the door a few meters away from us, but that was futile of course. The door was near, but the knife on the table top was nearer.
I’d kill her.
Came my decision, and my hand started to reach for the tool but just then, a vibration sounded. Our eyes shot to his right jeans pocket where a small rectangular light flashed.
“I-I gotta go Kai. We’ll talk about this another time.”
I’d kill him.
It won’t matter if I suffer. This material hurt, this sudden anguish; because killing him would hurt her as well. Despite the murderous intent surging through my veins, urging me to grab the knife inches from me, I was still able to rationalize. Murdering a pregnant lady is wrong.
Robbing her fetus of its life before it stepped foot onto this world is wrong.
I’d kill our lover, for that would hurt break her thoroughly.
It would rip her apart, just like what he did to my heart.
My pain wasn’t of priority now. What I desired now was to see her pain, his pain, that I would soon inflict, that would far surpass mine and I would be content… For now.
That said, there is no guarantee that I would not go after their kid when he or she grows up.
That thought alone thrilled me. Excitement jolted through my fingertips and right there and then, I felt real bloodlust.
Something glinted out of the corner of my eye and I halted my thought process. The sun was setting. Its glow reflected off the shiny surface of the knife, reminding me of its presence. Darkness was looming as well, inviting nightfall.
My fingers were soon clasped around the worn handle of the knife. Reita’s eyes widened and his features rearranged into an expression I’ve never seen before in all the years we’ve been together.
I smiled, for soon I’d been seeing many more expressions he had never shown me or that slut and definitely never knew himself that he was capable of making.
He was backed up against the door now, his hands grappling with the doorknob.
Light flickered off the blade in my hand again. Night has fallen, sending me another reminder of the task at hand.
I smiled again.
A/N: Idk why my fics of this genre are always titled after gazette songs. Though there's only 2 so far. I'm back to killing Reita.