Title: Sparked
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own no one!
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Reita but open pairing is more than fine too
Synopsis: It's too short for one.
Comments: Comments?
A soft beep. A vibration rattled off against the wooden table top. )
Comments 4
Despite that, I liked this very much. As I said earlier, it's emotional and touching. We've all felt that kind of emotion, sometimes. I'd be happy to read more from you, so keep posting. Maybe something longer next time? :D With your style, it'd be great!
I tend to not write about what the band does in particular.. But I'll keep thatin mind (:
Glad you liked it!
Thank you for sharing. =)
thanks for reading and commenting too! (:
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