It has come to my almighty attention that a certain imbecile is in DIRE need of re-education. You may notice that he has posted two insults on my livejournal page, and has done so with utter stupidity. Estimated IQ level: Three.
The best part is, he thinks that he's 'anonymous'. Guess what, buddy?
You suck, and you're wrong.
Target this IP address for all of your assaults.
Somewhere in Singapore, some imbecile; whether he be the enemy or not; will know in the future that to mess with the `Roshi is to fail, and get published as the world's greatest moron. Notice how poorly he words his insults.
Sure, I may be the faggot by your standards, but at least I'm not stupid enough to try and hide behind the so-called 'anonymous' feature that LJ provides, especially when I allow the tracking of IP addresses. Nice try, but you lose, idiot.