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Они будут убивать и грабить мир до последнего
May 01, 2015 20:08
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Они будут убивать и грабить мир до последнего
Дэвиду Рокфеллеру сделали шестую пересадку сердца в 99 лет.
Billionaire philanthropist David Rockefeller has undergone successfully his sixth heart transplant in 42 years at the venerable age of 99 years old. The heart transplant surgery, which lasted 6 hours and was done by a team of private surgeons at his principal residence, on the family estate in Pocantico Hills, New York, doesn’t seem to have tired the legendary business man known for his dynamism and cunningness. His first heart transplant occurred in 1976 after a dramatic car accident led him to suffer a heart attack. He was operated 24 hours later and up and jogging a week later.
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