Worst week ever

Apr 22, 2005 19:21

this whole flipping week has sucked ass. last friday i quit my job. at first i was happy cause i hought i would get to tqalk to my girlfriend some more and i have plenty of money so i could just coast for a little while... cant get ahold of her at all... shes never online and i used the last of my phone card mintues trying to call her cell. right shes problly busy with stuff she will return my messages sooner or later... i struggle through school and talk to her monday evening for a grand total of like 30 seconds. she says she just wanted to see how i was doing and after that she starts talking to her sister.. figures... when i feel i have her attention i start telling her how i feel and what i think would make our relationship better and what does she do ? she hangs up on me some where in the middle of my speach.... typical.... when has any female ever cared how i felt??? none.. why should my own girlfriend be any diffrent... go to bed all stressed out... wake up saturday and get hit by a fucking car while im walking to school... this is gonna be a bad day... get outa the hospital around 1130 and decide to go to fazzolis for lunchy.. get there order and while im eating this girl walks by me trips and dumps her food all over me.... ravioli when hot can cause second degree burns... i would know i have several on my left arms and side of my neck.. back to the doctors office.. sigh.. the only good thing that hs happend thus far is that today i went to take my military aptitude test ( ASVAB ) and got an 87. my gt score was 118.. hell yea army rangers here i come. i have decided to join the army as a MP. then i will move on to ranger and jumpmaster school. woot
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