Title: Untitled
Rated: K+/PG I guess
Genre: ???
Pairings: Cole/Zeke (one-sided); Cole/Trish
Trish is out, and Zeke is alone. With Cole.
One of them should stay with him at all times, Trish said. Zeke isn't gonna argue with her. Especially after - after Cole -
He keeps a careful (fond) gaze on his best friend's face. They'd come so close to losing him. For five horrifying minutes, they had. But then Cole's body had decided to fix itself, or something, and he was still here. Unconscious, but still here, and he would eventually wake up. Eventually. Hopefully. God, Zeke hopes so badly.
Other than Cole, Zeke hasn't got anyone. Parents dead, the sister who hates him, rest of the family God knows where, his few other friends barely anything other than acquaintances.... There is Trish, that's true. But only because of Cole. It all comes down to him.
And now something is wrong with him, something that Trish can't fix. That no doctor can fix, Zeke thinks. They just have to wait. And keep hoping.
Cole stirs in his - sleep. All of Zeke's attention is instantly focused on him, because he's barely shifted at all since he - since his - since It happened. This slight sign of life, it has to mean something. He notices that Cole's brow is furrowed, slightly, that it's no longer the calm mask he had in his unconscious state.
"Cole?" Zeke tries, wondering if he's waking up. He leans forward in the chair.
Cole doesn't reply, nor indeed does he acknowledge the sound at all. But he does shift slightly, unhappily, as though he's uncomfortable, as though he's maybe trying to get away....
He's dreaming, Zeke realizes, and then amends: He's having a nightmare.
He watches Cole for several minutes after that, unsure of what to do. Is he supposed to try and wake him up or something? Well. Probably not. It's just a nightmare, and disturbing Cole's sleep'll end up doing more harm than good. Besides, he probably won't remember it if he wakes up. When he wakes up, Zeke reminds himself fiercely. When.
The nightmare goes on, though, even if Cole still doesn't move much. Zeke thinks he's frowning more and more as it continues, but then it's possible his eyes are playing tricks on him. He tells himself that it'll stop eventually, because it has to, right? So he determinedly lets Cole ride it out.
Then Cole makes a sound.
It isn't much. Certainly not a word, nor anything else identifiable. Just a quiet noise in the back of his throat. But Cole hasn't made a noise since It happened. All it's been is his breathing and the ticking of the clock, and this small sound is a welcomed break in the routine.
Before he can think, Zeke's reached forward, he's not sure why, but suddenly he needs to - to make sure that Cole is still there. He doesn't know what he's doing, not really, just reaching blindly towards his best friend -
And his fingertips come to rest, softly, against Cole's cheek.
The warmth of his skin is comfortingly real after so long spent just watching. There's a few days' worth of stubble beneath his fingers, sandpaper rough. The rest of Cole's face isn't exactly smooth either, Zeke discovers. There are still burns and cuts, three days after the blast, not entirely healed. He wonders if they still hurt.
Cole doesn't seem to think they do, at least not in his sleep, or maybe he's just used to the sting. He turns his head into the light touch so that more of Zeke's hand is resting across his face. The frown smooths out, just a little. Zeke decides, to hell with it, and cups Cole's face fully, lets his thumb wander a little bit over the lips.
It's a silly gesture. Hopelessly romantic, and what is he, some middle-aged housewife? Cole doesn't care, though, and Zeke starts when he's nuzzled just slightly. The frown's gone, and he's pretty sure there's a bit of a smile there, and Zeke can't help himself, he grins back. Then Cole relaxes, whatever nightmare was plaguing him gone, and Zeke reluctantly pulls his hand away.
He realizes after a few moments that he's still grinning like an idiot.
"I dreamed about you," Cole says later to Trish, after he's recovered. "And you..." Cole reaches up, just a hint of a smile on his lips, and brushes Trish's cheek just as Zeke had done those few days ago.
Zeke watches this out of the corner of his eye, and is not terribly surprised.