May 16, 2009 12:38
There is a boundary between church and state in this country for a reason. So long as your religion/faith doesn't break laws, and doesn't impose its will on people outside your family, then you have the right to it. The RIGHT. Not the privledge. Just because I think so and so is crazy for seeking a certain path, doesn't mean it is my right to force them to do otherwise. Nor any other human's right. Our country is founded on tolerance. TOLERANCE. You don't have to agree with X Y or Z, but you do have to tolerate their decisions for themselves and their family.
I don't agree with the people who believe that western medicines and technology are bad. But I can't force them to use them. I don't agree with the people who choose not to vaccinate their children. But I can't force them to do so.
And you don't have to agree with me that crystals can heal. But you can't force me to stop using them.
You don't have to agree with me that most drugs are over prescribed. But you can't force me to take them.
And you can't force me to make different choice about my son.
He is my child. Not yours.
I don't agree with the parents that choose to skip Chemo for their child. But I have NO right to tell them differently.
He is their child. Not mine.