Looking over the last year, I've noticed on average I only utilized this journal 5-6 times a month at first. However, in the most recent months (Oct - Dec) I almost posted every day about this, that, and the other. Some of these things may hold absolutely no interest to you. I wouldn't mind utilizing this journal even more, even inviting my family to read it or use it keep in contact with anyone I am doing an art piece for.
So much like another private journal I know... I shall be using filters!
I am going to create or have created the following filters, if you would like to be included in posts about the subject of the filter, please use the comments below or contact me via message:
Visual Art: This filter will be for anyone I am working on a piece for. They will be able to give me feedback on what they like and dislike as I work on the piece. Once the piece is finished, the filter on Visual Art will be set to Private, for my eyes only. Finished pieces will be viewable on Beige-Car at the Deviant Art website, until or unless I find a better solution. If you have an interest in watching my art progress, I'll include you in this filter as well. Criticism is encouraged.
Gaming: World of Warcraft stuffs. Other games if I ever find something else I'd like to play.
Work: Posts about my job, looking for other work, where I want to go career wise. etc.
Homelife: Posts about my immediate family, hubby, son, the cats.
Family: Posts about extended family. Mom, Dad, brother, cousins, etc.
Prayer: Prayer requests that come to me. I consider these to be nonreligious specific and if you use a different method of 'praying', thats fine too.
Faith: This will be posts about church, faith, and exploring my own spirituality. Criticism is discouraged however, discussion is encouraged. I cherish differences in faith and religion. This is not the place to change anyone's mind about how they believe or don't believe or how they choose to celebrate something or not celebrate it. Comments will be turned off if at anytime I feel someone has stepped outside the allowed guidelines of the filter.
Health: Posts to do with weight, health, exercise, and general well being. Only positive comments please.
Friends: General random thoughts that run across my brain that don't quite fit anywhere else. By default - everyone who is friended is included in Friends.
2008: I'll be applying this to last years posts. This will be effectively wiping the slate clean. Only people who could read last year's posts prior to today will be included in this filter as it will include everything and anything. No one is going to be auto added to this filter. If you want to be able to reference last years posts for some reason, please contact me privately and we'll discuss it. Past is the past, it's time to move forward.
I am setting up new tags as well. For each entry there will be at least one tag using the same name as the filter used. This way you can easily navigate subjects based on your interest level that day. Don't feel like hearing about games but want to see how an art piece is coming along? Hit the Visual Art tag and you can easily spot the last availible art post. Want to know how an rp is going but don't care about raiding? Hit the RP tag instead of the gaming tag which is more inclusive.