[2259.116] -- [Away Mission on Dayoumir VII] -- [Open Post]

Jun 28, 2010 09:51

(OOC: If you want to be a part of this away mission, please read the whole post including OOC comments at the end for all information, captains orders, etc.)

Kirk stared down at the ice planet on the forward view screen unhappily. He didn't have the best relationships with ice planets, and the idea of going down to this one had him less than pleased. The circumstances surrounding it he liked even less. The report he had gotten from Starfleet was complete - up until one week ago. The colony on the planet had vanished into silence, reminding him painfully of Juxta. The Enterprise happened to be the closest ship capable of handling something like this, and here they were.

The information started off basic. It wasn't a colony meant to spread humanity throughout the universe, but instead it was meant sheerly to be able to harvest a rare mineral that didn't get formed beneath the ground, but was actually contained in the ice itself. There were more detailed reports on that, but that was more Spock's area than his. A colony of more than two hundred that had been reporting well and good up until a week ago, but when their weekly report came, Starfleet got nothing at all.

The colony was spread out over a large area - Kirk had a good set of maps to work with - but the area was dangerous. The ice seemed to spread and move almost like a living thing, and Starfleet suggested that if something happened to, say, the colony's energy sources, it could have already started taking over buildings.

Jim stared down at the console in front of him, then stood up. Messages flew out to certain people quickly, Jim leaning over and typing, unable to sit still.

To: Spock, Bones

I need you to look over the attached information, find me the best people you think will be right for this. We'll need to be able to cover a large area to get all information required. Get back to me, quickly.

Captain Kirk

He set Communications on trying to reach anyone at all down on the planet. His father and Uhura in particular, knowing they above all others would be able to pull off a miracle while they got their away team together.

There was just something in his bones that wasn't settled right about this, and he didn't even know why.

Major Thread Starts (post new threads under the topic it matches to, please!)

All Sign Up Threads
All Transporter Room Threads
All Debriefing+Transport Threads
Beginning of the Away Mission/After Transport

(OOC: There's the beginning of it! Here's how this'll work - check the first comment below to 'sign up' for the away mission and to get orders for your character. This is meant to be a serious mission, not crack, so please take that in mind. We won't be waiting for people to post, this will be more like a 'party post' in the sense that things will be going on at different times to different people. Occasionally, and without warning (mwhahaha) the NPC_Aliens account will be posting on individual threads as to planet and/or outside influences will be occurring. If you have questions, want something specific to happen, or would like a particular thing to do, send me a PM/IM.)

away mission

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