Olympics Schedule

Mar 01, 2011 16:41

Olympics Structure/Schedule of Events

*Note: in the spirit of everyone loving everyone as we've already established with our advertising, there's bound to be a lot of gratuitous sex.   The mods are not putting a rating limit on any Event.  NC-17 content will be allowed for any fill for the Olympics, but it also will not be required anywhere.  You won’t have to write/create it, but you probably will encounter it often.  If that's not your thing, we understand, and feel free to slip out the back door quietly :)

**Second Note: Schedule is subject to change as needed!

Team Building Activities: March 1- March 8
Must do:
-Pick Captains and XOs
-Make a banner and Icon(s)
-Party down with your fellow shippers

Events:  The  regular rounds, directed at different groups of fanworks, based on a prompt.  Fill requirements and schedule below.

Emergency Drills: Surprise posts which require your immediate attention. Simple scoring, one point for each right answer. Awards given at the Closing Ceremony based on points earned.

Tribble Orgies: Team Tribble will manage these, not for points, just for fun.  Different each time based on what the Tribbles think up.

Triathlon:  Prompt based, three fills required (Or there must be three different aspects to the fill.  If you want to combine fic and art into one - like a scrapbook or comic - it will still count as two separate aspects of the fill.)  Any of the examples below may be used.  Voting is based on how well the fills fit the prompt and how well they complement each other.

Bonus:  Your crafty Admirals will include one word from a sentence from a widely known fic in the official posts.  The words will be color coded or italicized so they can be recognized.  They may be out of the order they were written in the fic.  The first team to guess the fic right gets a large number of points.  If you think you know the answer just reply to any of the official Admiral posts with the fic and your team name.

Spirit Awards:  Each team will give an award to each of the other teams for whatever they feel that team excelled at.

The Athletes’ Village: A daily posting of pics of our Trek characters and famous athletes.

  • Scoring for Emergency Drills will be one point for each correct answer/rec unless otherwise noted.
  • Scoring based on Figure Skating, with up to 10 points given for Technical Merit (Spelling, grammar, general structure and flow for fic, technically difficult and executed well for multimedia), Required Elements (Meets the prompt requirements), and Presentation (The GLEE factor) and then averaged out for a final score.
  • For the Triathlon, all the fills will be scored as one (including how well they compliment each other) not separately.

Opening Ceremony3/23/33/43/5
Movie Watch3/6
Movie Watch3/73/8
Post Events 1 & 23/93/103/11
Event 1 Due3/13
Post Event 33/163/173/18
Event 2 Due
Triathlon Posted3/20
Post Event 43/23
Event 3 Due3/263/27
Event 4 Due4/24/3
Spirit Awards4/24
Closing Ceremony4/254/264/274/284/294/30

Events 1 & 2 will be posted on the same day, with event 1 being due in one week and Event 2 due in two weeks.  All the following Events will be two weeks, staggered so there is an event coming due each week.

The Mixer - Event 1:  Icons - 5, 100x100 pixels

Open Log Night - Event 2:  Fic - 1 fic, length 2-10K

Event 3:  Visual - anything visual is accepted, 1 piece.
  • Art (drawing, manips, comics, icons.)
  • Vids - Minimum 30 seconds
  • Fictrailers - Minimum 30 seconds  *examples below*
  • Physical Creations (Pictures of something you created that fits the prompt)

Fic Trailer examples:
Fictrailers - a vid that’s made as an advertisement for a fanfic.  Potentially it could be created before a fic exists and later have a fic written for it.
Fanlore has a great definition and links to fic trailers from some major fandoms (links to the trailers are at the bottom of the page): http://fanlore.org/wiki/Fic_Trailer

Event 4:  Sound - anything with sound is accepted, 1 piece.
  • Vids (Minimum 30 seconds)
  • Podfic (Pick a fic that matches the prompt and record it.  Minimum length 15 min)
  • Filk (Rewrite the words to an existing song to fit your ship, minimum 30 seconds.  Record it, no video required)  *examples below*
  • Songwriting (Record your own original song, minimum 30 seconds)
  • Fanmix (Minimum 5 songs.  You may pick an existing fic for your ship that matches the prompt and create a mix for it, or create a whole new mix that works for your ship)
  • Audiofic/Sound Collage (minimum 30 seconds.  No video required)  *examples below*

Filk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6NfG6vLSbk

Audiofic - Fanlore has an excellent entry for this here:  http://fanlore.org/wiki/Audiofic_%28sound_collage%29
Specific examples listed for the SGA fic:  http://opendoors.transformativeworks.org/mtsd/radio.htm  The fic is a WWII AU, but the SGA characters are Major John Sheppard and Dr. Rodney McKay.

The Closing Ceremony will include the announcement of points from Emergency Drills and Bonus, as well as overall placement of the Teams.

schedule, srs bsns

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