Title: This Is the Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship
Rating: R.
Pairings: Winona/George.
Word Count: 794.
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek and since I'm not the aforementioned company, I don't own a thing.
Summary: The first time Winona meets George Kirk is interesting to say the least. For
this prompt at
Warning/Spoilers: I assume you've seen the movie, so none, really.
Author Notes: I've never been to a hoedown and it shows, so I sort of glossed over that aspect, I suppose. I actually had two other pieces I wouldn't mind posting here, even if they are pretty much gen, so it took me a while to decide which one I wanted to post here.
"My, my aren't you the charmer? Tell me, does that line usually work or do think I'm that easy?"