Greetings to the community! I thought I should link my two (so far) stories about Winona Kirk here.
Title: Pleiades
Pairing: George Kirk/Winona Kirk; others discussed extensively
Warnings: Spoilers for the first ten minutes; het, implied slash, implied femslash, implied nonmonogamy, canon character death, babies.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Six times George and Winona had sex, and one they couldn't.
Winona always remembers the moment. )
Title: The Sky But Air
Pairing: George/Winona mentioned; Winona/Space
Warnings: Het alluded to, children alluded to, canon character death mentioned.
Rating: PG
Summary: Knowing for herself is, of course, one thing. Convincing her mother is another.
Winona can deal with her mother's anger. )